'u 'mpernu


‘u ‘mpernu is the translation in Calabrese vernacular of the word “Inferno”, Dante Alighieri’s masterpiece.
It is a high-level mini collection of masterly skill with moods which recreate the sensations and emotions all of us feel in our own small world.


This Alchemic Rock Couture capsule collection is the only one of its kind and is made up of handmade items produced by companies that also produce for Givenchy, Tom Ford, Chanel, Chloe 'etc. It is a line that adapts to the shapes of the body.


The collection includes super luxury garments which feel like a second skin. The fabric is highly ergonomic and adjusts to perfection to the lines, shaping them as if it were in perfect fusion with the body.

The result is that of having a body inside another one, as it were. The collection reflects a rebellious Rock spirit.